My new favorite photography forum ProPS just started a fun game of "blog tag" and I was tagged two days ago by the illustrious photographer Kristi Eckrich! Here are the rules of blog tag:
1) Link the person who tagged you.
2) Mention the rules on your blog.
3) Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4) Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.
Okay, here you go…my 6 “unspectacular quirks!”
1) I have a degree in Anthropology...the study of people's cultures, artifacts and evolution. It was a fascinating major but it took me almost 10 years of trying out careers to figure out that I didn't want to be a banker, business woman or archaeologist...I wanted to use my anthropological background to really observe people and photograph them being themselves...not just stiffly posed smiling subjects.
2) I once ironed my face with a hot iron. Yep, I nearly burned my lips and chin off. Why, you ask did I iron my face? Well I was trying to make my brother and sister laugh and I didn't know that my mom had just used it. Ouch!
3) I am NOT a cuddler, just ask my husband. I just cannot stand to be touched if I am trying to go to sleep. We have a saying in our house (one of many) "Wanna Cuddle? Grab a Dog." We sleep in a king sized bed with two pitbulls between us. But don't feel too bad for my hubby, I'm still a pretty darn good wife. ;-)
4) The sight or even thought of someone licking a napkin makes my skin crawl and my stomach jump with queasiness. I don't know what it is about napkins or those icky cotton balls you have to pull out of the pill bottle...yuck! I have a nails on the chalkboard reaction to them.
5) I have ADD which is actually a great condition for a photographer to have. Us ADDers see the world in a different way and we love the excitement of working with new people in new places everyday.
6) If given the choice between napping and just about anything else, I will ALWAYS choose the nap. I am a World Class napper and consequently a very well rested and pleasant person.
Thanks for tagging me Kristi! Now I'm off to tag 6 more unsuspecting victims.