Sunday, September 16, 2007


These pictures were all taken on the same day in early September around 3pm in the afternoon. They were all shot on our dock overlooking the same 30ft x 30ft area of the creek. The different colors and effects were all achieved simply by adjusting my aperture, shutter speed and angle. The only post processing done on these photos was a quick crop and border-add. I love how different each of these pictures turned out. Can you figure out where the purple areas of the bottom photos came from? No one on the dock was wearing purple. (There is a hint in my first blog post) Add a comment to this post of you can figure out the mysterious purple areas.

I call this series Watercolors. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there a grape vine hanging over the water in the bottom two pictures? or was someone on the dock wearing purple and it's just refelcting like that? The second from the bottom is very interesting. It looks like something from one of those Hidden Picture books. :)