As an aspiring photographer, I am so lucky to be blessed with the most photogenic family in the Philadelphia Metro area. I've got 9 gorgeous kids from the age of 6 months to 13 years old at my disposal and I always have the camera in their faces. They're turning into quite the little models for me.

Here is 'A' working the fence for me.

And crazy 'J' loves to make funny faces for me and see his picture in my LCD.
I caught 'D' in a rare quiet, pensive moment on the playground. I guess the sugar high from the party was wearing off.

I love this shot of 'D's shiny shoes with her little nails painted light pink!

Here's 'J' again showing me another one of his millions of silly faces.
Here is my little guy 'J' scoping out the candy 'D' had hidden in her party hat.

This is 'D's' older brother 'A' showing me his "over the shoulder model look."

And the crazy boys 'P' and 'D' are never shy when I ask them to "show me angry" or "give me gang signs."
It helps to know the current lingo when trying to get a good shot of pre-teens. I wonder how many pro's out there ask their subjects to "give them gang signs, LOL" If you can cut out the hands, you can usually get a pretty facial expression on the "gang shots"